Gaming: why your business needs to delete online toxicity now

The video gaming business is growing at a fantastic rate, and so is online hate. More than 200 million people regularly play games in this industry, which unfortunately does not come without its share of negative interactions between gamers. Insults, threats, harassment... Whether through comments on gaming platforms or in chat rooms, abuse and harassment are unfortunate for the gaming experience.



Although freedom of expression is essential, it’s equally vital that gaming companies reduce and manage online toxicity. Gamers who receive a pleasant experience are more likely to remain loyal. At the same time, those who face toxicity will leave and play elsewhere.

What is toxic online behavior?

Gaming communities are great as they promote interaction, community engagement, and communication. Gamers form online groups and communicate through real-time chats. Unfortunately, harassment and bullying frequently occur in gaming environments during live streaming. This behavior is more than just a few insults; it can be detrimental to mental health and lead to retention loss. Companies need to keep their gaming communities safe.

These facts demonstrate the depth of the problem:

  • 92% of gamers believe that real-time solutions should be implemented and enforced to reduce toxic behavior in multiplayer games.

  • 66% of gamers reported experiencing toxic behavior while playing online games.

  • 60% of US teens say they have been bullied while participating in online multiplayer games.

The video game industry is regularly faced with this issue. For instance, Riot resigned last October to close the League of Legends chat /all because of its excessive toxicity.

Keep up with the Gaming and Virtual World

The world of video games is constantly evolving and growing fast. Companies are developing online platforms on the metaverse. This simulated digital environment uses augmented reality (AR) with social media concepts to create spaces for rich user interaction that reflects the real world.

This strategy is the way forward for gaming and the way we live. As a consequence, companies need to make the online experience secure. Users who feel safe will use platforms where they don´t have to worry about online toxicity. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and if your users are happy, they’ll spread the word.

As gaming becomes more and more multiplayer and online-oriented, the opportunity for online toxicity is expanding. Eliminating this toxicity is the way to encourage online communities to remain loyal.

Video games are a staple of today’s culture. Many children today aspire to be YouTubers and professional gamers, which is an opportunity for companies to build loyalty and retention.

Furthermore, women are often the target of toxic behavior, including online insults and harassment from other players. But half of all gamers are actually female! The gaming community as a whole has to ensure that such issues do not occur in their game by providing a positive experience for everyone involved, and making sure the industry is welcoming everyone.

Like any social network, it’s possible to create content, exercise freedom of expression and interact with others in the gaming community, but anonymity and impunity encourage toxicity. Sexism, homophobia, racism, and most of the problems we face in our society also show up in gaming. Online toxicity is one of the biggest challenges facing the video game industry.

Company strategy should include considering how to build lifetime value (LTV) and, as a result, boost profits. It comes with the employment of content moderation. The new gaming generation is the future customer, and their dedication to a brand is invaluable.

Bodyguard as a CM Tool

Bodyguard is a quality content management tool and offers an automated real-time moderation system specializing in gaming, sports, media, the social sectors, and entertainment. It gives you the option to moderate and delete the toxic content generated by your communities, such as insults and threats, verbal abuse, but also hate speech, moral or sexual harassment bodyshaming, LGBTQ+ phobia or misogyny.

Bodyguard protects gamers because it allows you to tailor the parameters on your platform to catch online toxicity before it’s published. It protects your brand and prevents potentially irreparable damage.

Bodyguard improves brand safety, protects your users and your platform. These are some of the benefits that Bodyguard can add to your platform:

  • Customized moderation, tailored to your platform and streaming service;

  • Users who feel safe will return and continue to use your platform;

  • 90% toxic content detection rate;

  • a dedicated space for detailed analysis of your community;

  • a rapid integration with all platforms;

  • The assurance that you will never again be associated with content that is hateful, polluting, or likely to generate a bad buzz.

Protect your platform from exposure to online toxicity and focus on building your community. Content moderation is beneficial not only for the player and streamer but also for the viewers. Creating a safe space for dialogue and the exchange of ideas is critical to running a profitable business that genuinely cares about mental health and the safety of its users. And brand safety is crucial with the advent of the metaverse and as online social interaction becomes more embedded in society.